Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair Naturally

Gray hair is often associated with age, but this is a natural process that can occur at a young age. But do not worry there are natural way to get rid of gray hair, The emergence of gray hair is a symptom of a disturbance in protein synthesis. Melanocyte cells can no longer produce pigment (melanin) so that colors hair to be lost.

Premature aging of the hair due to various factors. For example, genetic factors, the use of certain chemicals, shampoos that contain sulfur or suffer from anemia (pernicious anemia).

Here are tips on how to get rid of gray hair in young age:

1. Preventing Stress
Pressure is often experienced by teenagers in modern times like this is one cause of gray hair. This is because the pressure of the lessons they learned in school. Stress is one of the factors causing aging of the hair. Therefore, a more chill out and relax, you can prevent the onset of gray hair prematurely.

2. Maintain Cleanliness Scalp
Research conducted by dermatologists showed that dandruff is also one of the causes of gray hair. Use an anti-dandruff shampoo or lemon juice as a natural alternative to eliminate dandruff.

3. Set Diet
Malnutrition is one of the causes of gray hair or premature aging of the hair. Excessive dietary intake resulted in a lack of nutrients needed by the body. This results in the body and hair aging prematurely. Therefore, set your diet with a good and balanced to prevent premature aging of the hair and body.

4. Consuming food rich in iron
Iron deficiency can lead to the emergence of gray hair. Iron helps the body produce melanin that can dye the hair. Eat seafood, especially crab, spinach, lemon and mushrooms that have a high iron content.

5. Make a Regular on Hair Care
Perform maintenance on the hair to prevent premature aging of the hair. Rub a mixture of pumpkin and coconut oil for about an hour on the hair, then rinse. Do it regularly to prevent premature aging or growth of gray hair on your beautiful hair.

6. Curry Leaves, Indian Tribes Hair Beauty Secrets
The Indians use curry leaves to maintain the beauty of their hair. Try adding the food you eat or rub it on your hair after mixed with warm water.

7. Black tea
A cup of black tea is added one tablespoon of salt, you can use as a material for massaging the head. Do a massage at least half an hour, then rinse using your favorite shampoo. Moisture from the warm tea, can provide the nutrients from the roots to the ends of hair.

10 Food Sources of Iron for Anemia

Insufficient number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. The most common symptoms of anemia include fatigue or lack of energy, tired, and susceptible to colds and other infections.

There are many different causes of anemia. Anemia may be caused by illness or loss of blood. In this article we will discuss only the anemia caused by iron deficiency. Anemia due to iron deficiency caused by lack of food that contains enough iron.

Iron is a mineral found in nature and when consumed through fruits and vegetables, are used by the body to manufacture hemoglobin. In treating iron deficiency or anemia, your doctor may prescribe a multivitamin that contains iron. But in general, the intake of foods that contain iron along with adequate rest anemia will return to normal conditions.

Here are some foods that are rich in iron:

1. Apricots
This fruit contains iron which is perfect for ensuring the body gets iron intake. .

2. Beet greens
Beet greens are a source of vitamins A and B2. Beet greens can also enrich the blood with iron and manganese.

3. Chard
Chard is a vegetable that contains vitamin A and iron.

4. Corn
Corn is rich in iron and copper. Maize is also a good source of vitamins A and C.

5. Eggs
Eggs are rich in all minerals, including iron, and vitamin B. Ideal eggs consumed at breakfast because it contains a sufficient amount of energy.

6. Watercress
Watercress is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin B and C. Watercress contains high amounts of iron, calcium, and potassium.

7. Molasses
Molasses provides an excellent source of iron for anemia.

8. Raisins
Raisins contain iron which is very high. Raisins are also a food that is alkaline and can help the body cope with the acidic conditions.

9. Spinach
Besides iron, spinach also contain vitamin A. Spinach should be a routine part of everyones diet.

10. Almond
This nut is very rich in iron and can increase blood flow in the body. One ounce of almonds a day provides 6% of your iron needs every day.

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits And Nutrition Fact

Various research activities conclude behind the spicy taste, cayenne pepper has many benefits, especially for health. Can reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and can heal the wounds.

Results of laboratory research in the UK found that the content of capsaicin in cayenne pepper that cause a sense of spicy, can kill cancer cells without damaging normal cells. So it is no wonder why some cancer cases in Mexico and India, where people eat lots of spicy food, less than Western countries, where people tend to not like spicy food.

Meanwhile, two research by a team from Australia was also revealed, adding cayenne pepper in every cuisine can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The results also explain, spicy foods can also stabilize insulin levels in the blood.

In the dose that is not excessive, spicy foods beneficial to the stomach. Thus the results of the study by a team of researchers from Hungary. Capsaicin can reduce stomach acid and serve as anti-inflammatory.

Nutrition Fact of Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne peppers have amazingly very high levels of vitamins and minerals. Just 100 g provides (in % of Recommended daily allowance):
127% of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid),
39% of vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine),
54% of niacin,
71% of riboflavin,
1387% of vitamin A,
97.5% of iron,
41% of copper,
43% of potassium,
but no cholesterol.

Health benefits of Cayenne pepper

• Improve blood circulation
Cayenne pepper increases blood circulation in the body. Which in turn can help prevent low blood pressure problems. It also helps to prevent blood stagnation problems.

• Relieves muscle pain
Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, these substances can help to relieve pain and muscle spasm problems. It also helps to relieve joint pain in arthritis condition.

• Helps detoxify
Cayenne pepper is known as a circulatory stimulant for the body. It helps to assist the bodys digestive system. It helps in cleansing and detoxification processes, helping to sweat excessively, which is also good for detoxification.

• Helps you lose weight
Cayenne pepper is rich in antioxidants, which help to increase the bodys metabolic rate. Consuming cayenne pepper in the diet can also help in losing weight and burn off excess fat from the body.

• Maintain a healthy heart
Cayenne pepper helps to reduce levels of bad cholesterol from the body. Which in turn prevents the risk of heart disease. Cayenne pepper also helps to lower blood pressure, body, thus providing benefits for heart health.

• Helps in Allergies
Cayenne pepper has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in skin allergic conditions. It also helps to relieve the pain caused by arthritis conditions.

• Helps to treat colds and flu
Cayenne pepper helps reduce the formation of dense mucus that cause colds. in the presence of capsaicin contained therein. So that cayenne pepper can also relieve nasal congestion.