Selasa, 22 April 2014

Connection of Migraine prevention and sexual activities

Natural remedies for migraine and Cluster headaches

As the name implies Migraine is a highly painful condition to lot of people. However, except the pain associated with that, there are other symptoms and signs of Migraine headache. Most of the times we have to move on to long term treatments for complete cure of Migraine. However, there are home remedies for the prevention of Migraine. One of the newly identified treatment is the sex. But most of the people want to know "Can the sex prevent the migraine headache...?". As same as the other remedies of migraine it also have a probability of reducing the migraine pain. Some researches shows that it may be highly effective that the normal pain killers.
However before reading this it is better for you to get a idea of Migraine symptoms, signs and treatment options.

How the migraine reduced by sex

As we know migraine may associate with number of factors like excessive physical activities, sunlight, UV light, sounds, some smells, sleeping disturbances, long distance traveling, and number of other factors. But at last most of the patient experience the one sided head pain with or with out disturbance of visual activity (aura). The mechanism is the intermittent constriction of the cerebral blood vessels associate dilation and the inflammatory process. Here, the pain receptors associated with the vessels also get stimulate and increase the the sensitivity for pain. There may be different chemical mediators associated with that.

The Endorphine is a chemical mediator which act on the pain receptors to reduce pain. The recent studies has suggested that the level of the endorphine is increased during sexual activities. Even with the masturbation may increase it. Therefore, there is a significant effect on the reduction of the migraine headache by the sexual activities is due to the reduction of pain perception. Researches have prove the association of migraine prevention and the sex.
This is effect has specially shown in females. Therefore they may assume that females release more Endorphine and it is the case for that.

Can the sexual activities prevent migraine

The prevention of the migraine means reduction of the frequency and the recurrence. Even thought sex may act as a good pain killer for migraine, it has not shown that it has long term effect on the control of the migraine headache yet. Other very important thing is it has not shown significant reduction of migraine 2/3rd of patients. Therefore we can not use it as only treatment for the migraine. You have to use other remedies for headache prevention and consultation of a doctor.

Can the migraine aggravated by the sex

Even though it has not shown in the reseaches yet. There are small patients who have association of migraine with the sexual activities. If you are a patient suffering from migraine. You may have to think twice before selecting the sexual activities when you are in pain.

As same as the migraine pain, there is a significant effect on reduction of cluster headache with sex.

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